The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the winner of the 2024 Structural Engineering Fellowship. Elizabeth Claypool will receive $20,000 to conduct original research. This year’s topic, “Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities,” seeks to explore affordable, equitable, and innovative modes of multifamily housing that respond to current and future needs. With her proposal, “Exploring Innovative Housing: A Playbook for Optimism” Claypool aims to create a playbook for optimism: a survey of nineteen case studies to identify innovative solutions that create meaningful impacts on housing outcomes.
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the 2024 China Fellowship. The $5,000 China Fellowship is awarded annually to three students in the last two years of either an undergraduate or graduate program in architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture, or urban design in the People’s Republic of China to conduct independent travel and research that contributes to the SOM Foundation’s current topic, “Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities.” The China Fellowship was created in 2006 to support emerging design leaders to broaden their education and contribute to their future professional and academic careers.
The SOM Foundation and the MAK Center for Art and Architecture are pleased to announce the winner of the 2024 Researcher-in-Residence. Maya Livio is an interdisciplinary curator, writer, scholar, and media artist, as well as Assistant Professor of Climate, Environmental Justice, Media and Communication at American University. Livio will receive a $5,000 stipend and an eight-week summer residency in the live/work space at R.M. Schindler’s Fitzpatrick-Leland House in Los Angeles for work related to her research proposal entitled “Hospes: Housing Justice and Multispecies Cohabitation at the Wildland-Urban Interface.”
On Wednesday, June 5 at 5 pm EDT, the SOM Foundation is organizing a fellows reception coinciding with the AIA Conference on Architecture 2024.
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the jury for the 2024 China Fellowship. This year’s jury will be led by Peter Duncan (Practice Leader at SOM, Shanghai) and will include Wang Lin (Professor, Department of Architecture, School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Researcher, China Urban Governance Institute; Director, Center for Urban Studies, Shanghai) and Sun Yimin (Dean and Professor of School of Architecture, South China University of Technology Guangzhou, Guangzhou).
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the 2024 Structural Engineering Fellowship. The $20,000 fellowship will be awarded to a graduating student based in the United States who specializes in structural engineering to conduct independent travel and research that contributes to this year’s topic, “Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities.” The Structural Engineering Fellowship was created in 1998 to support research that has the potential to influence the practice and teaching of how structures can positively impact our built environment.
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 SOM Foundation Robert L. Wesley Award. Three fellows, Lauren Jian (University of Southern California, School of Architecture), Noelle Robinson (North Carolina State University, College of Design), and Emmelea Schatz (University of Kansas, School of Architecture & Design) will each receive a $10,000 award in addition to a yearlong mentorship program that connects the students with leading BIPOC practitioners and educators. In addition to the three fellows, the jury decided to expand the number of fellows to include two $5,000 unrestricted awards to Antonia Pacheco (Texas Tech University, Huckabee College of Architecture) and William Pyle (Texas Tech University, Huckabee College of Architecture).
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the winner of the 2023 European Research Prize. A team from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) will receive a €20,000 prize to conduct original research that contributes to this year’s topic, “Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities.” The European Research Prize was created in 2021 to cultivate new ideas and meaningful research that addresses the critical issues of our time.
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Research Prize. Two teams—one from the University of Michigan and the University of Cincinnati, and one from the University of Texas at San Antonio—will each receive a $40,000 prize to conduct original research that contributes to this year’s topic, “Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities.” The Research Prize was created in 2018 to cultivate new ideas and meaningful research that addresses the critical issues of our time.
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the jury for the 2024 Structural Engineering Fellowship. This year’s jury will be led by Alessandro Beghini (Senior Associate Principal at SOM, San Francisco) and will include Sarah L. Billington (Chair and UPS Foundation Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA), Paul Fast (Founding partner of Fast + Epp, Vancouver), and Matt Field (Co-Chief Executive Officer of TMG Partners, San Francisco).