The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the 2023 European Research Prize. The €20,000 prize will be awarded to a faculty-led interdisciplinary team based in Europe to conduct original research that contributes to this year’s topic, “Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities.” The European Research Prize was created in 2021 to cultivate new ideas and meaningful research that addresses the critical issues of our time.
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the 2023 Research Prize. Two $40,000 prizes will be awarded to faculty-led interdisciplinary teams based in the United States to conduct original research that contributes to this year’s topic, “Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities.” The Research Prize was created in 2018 to cultivate new ideas and meaningful research that addresses the critical issues of our time.
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the jury for the 2023 Research Prize. This year’s jury will be led by SOM Foundation Executive Director Iker Gil and will include Carlos Bedoya (Cofounder of PRODUCTORA; Founding partner of LIGA, Space for Architecture, Mexico City), Johanna Hurme (Cofounder of 5468796 Architecture, Winnipeg), Lorcan O’Herlihy (Founding Principal and Creative Director of Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects [LOHA], Los Angeles and Detroit), and Irene Sunwoo (John H. Bryan Chair and Curator of Architecture and Design at The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago).
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the jury for the 2023 European Research Prize. This year’s jury will be led by SOM Foundation Executive Director Iker Gil and will include Nana Biamah-Ofosu (Architect and director, YAA Projects; Tutor, Architectural Association; and Lecturer, Kingston School of Art, London), Meredith Bowles (Founding Director, Mole Architects, Cambridge; Visiting Professor, The University of Suffolk; and Faculty, University of Cambridge Department of Architecture), Kieran Long (Director, ArkDes, The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design, Stockholm), and Tatjana Schneider (Professor, Architectural Theory; Head, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture and the City (GTAS) and the Architecture and Engineering Collection (SAIB), Technische Universität, Braunschweig).
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the jury for the 2023 Robert L. Wesley Award. This year’s jury will be led by Robert L. Wesley (Retired Partner, SOM, Chicago) and will include Debbie Ahmari (Retired architect, Sarasota), Joseph Kunkel (Principal and Director of MASS Design Group's Sustainable Native Communities Design Lab, Santa Fe), Ann Lui (Partner, Future Firm, Chicago), and Dawveed Scully (Managing Deputy Commissioner of Planning and Development, City of Chicago).
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the topic for 2023–2024. This year’s awards will focus on the topic of “Adapting Housing Strategies to Respond to New Realities.”
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 SOM Foundation China Fellowship. Xianglan He, Bolun Qiu, and Shuaibo Shi will each receive $5,000 to conduct original research. This year’s topic, “Shaping Our World Through Air,” is a prompt to investigate the impact that air has on our world, from the unequal way pollution affects communities to the way it shapes spatial conditions and material innovations.
The SOM Foundation is saddened to hear the news of the passing of architect and educator Douglas Eugene Oliver Jr., recipient of the 1986 Master of Architecture fellowship. Our condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues at Rice University.
The SOM Foundation is pleased to announce the winner of the 2023 Structural Engineering Fellowship. Lydia Moog will receive $20,000 to conduct original research. This year’s topic, “Shaping Our World Through Air,” is a prompt to investigate the impact that air has on our world, from the unequal way pollution affects communities to the way it shapes spatial conditions and material innovations. With her proposal, “Structures that Breathe,” Moog will investigate different interpretations of “airiness” in structures. She will evaluate the notion of what it means for a structure to be lightweight, materially efficient, and sustainable by exploring a range of environments from rural to urban as well as current innovations and past methods through a set of case studies.
On Wednesday, June 7 at 5 pm PDT, the SOM Foundation is organizing a fellows reception coinciding with the AIA Conference on Architecture 2023.